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The National Day of Candombe, Afro-Uruguayan Culture and Racial Equity

9th December 2018 - Altona

The National Day of Candombe, Afro-Uruguayan Culture and Racial Equity is celebrated in Uruguay every December 3, from  2006. The date remembers the December 3, 1978 when, in a spontaneous way, the candombe drums play the sound of the "called" for the last time in the famous 'Conventillo Mediomundo' in Montevideo, condemned to the demolition by the civic-military dictatorship that governed the country.

From 2017, it is celebrated for the first time in Melbourne, aiming to unite the candombe community based in Australia and to show the world part of our culture.

El sentimiento del candombe desde el alma



Mobile: ​0433834613

The feeling of candombe music from the soul
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